Theme Web News Blogspot Download

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If you are familiar with my templates ,you will see install this template is very similar .

1,Download template file .

2,Open template file in any word editor you have.

3,To change logo ,find this code :
<div style="padding: 15px 0pt 0pt 30px;" id="logo"><img src=""/></div><!-- /logo -->
replace the link in bold to your logo's link .

4,To show your flickr image ,find this code :
<script src=";display=latest&amp;layout=x&amp;source=user&amp;user=24113168@N03&amp;size=s" type="text/javascript"></script>
and change the user value (in bold) to your Flickr id .

5,To show posts in categories in homepage ,find this code
label1 = &quot;europe&quot;;
Title1 = &quot;EUROPE&quot;;

label2 = &quot;asia&quot;;
Title2 = &quot;ASIA&quot;;

label3 = &quot;breakingnews&quot;;
Title3 = &quot;BREAKING NEWS&quot;;

label4 = &quot;business&quot;;
Title4 = &quot;BUSINESS&quot;;

label5 = &quot;entertainment&quot;;
Title5 = &quot;ENTERTAINMENT&quot;;

label6 = &quot;finance&quot;;
Title6 = &quot;FINANCE&quot;;

label7 = &quot;travel&quot;;
Title7 = &quot;TRAVEL&quot;;

label8 = &quot;americas&quot;;
Title8 = &quot;AMERICAS&quot;;

label9 = &quot;basketball&quot;;
Title9 = &quot;BASKET BALL&quot;;

label10 = &quot;racing&quot;;
Title10 = &quot;RACING&quot;;

label11 = &quot;football&quot;;
Title11 = &quot;FOOTBALL&quot;;

label12 = &quot;swimming&quot;;
Title12 = &quot;SWIMMING&quot;;

label13 = &quot;gallery&quot;;
Title13 = &quot;GALLERY&quot;;

label14 = &quot;feature&quot;;
Title14 = &quot;FEATURE&quot;;
and change value of each label and Title variables to your categories . Position of labels are in picture bellow :

When you finish ,save template and upload it to Blogger .

6,Go to Dashboard ,continue to Page Element .

7,There are many place you can add adverts to .
You can click on edit link in Topads,ad125px,sidebarads,belowfeaturead,seconrightads and footerads to insert your ad code (for example Google Adsense...)

8,You can add link to categories using Topcategory widget .
Click on edit link in widget and add link to each category in your blog .Link to category has structure :

9,You can add any link you want in FooterLinks and Featurelinks widget .

10,To add video to blog ,click on dailyvid widget and paste your video embed code .Size for video is 300x250

11,Save template and we are done .

Note :
-Like any template of mine ,you need to fill each category with posts to see template in work well condition . If not ,you will see errors .
-You can translate text easily by finding the word you need to translate with search function of word editor .It will lead you to where the text is .

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