Press Magazine

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Setting Blogger Template Press Magajah

1. Content Image SlideShow
<span class="code"><div id="s3slider"><ul id="s3sliderContent">
<li class="s3sliderImage"><a href="YOUR_LINK_HERE"><img border="0" alt="ALT_IMG_HERE" src="IMG_LINK_HERE" width="640" height="300" /></a> <span><h3><a href="YOUR_LINK_HERE">Short Description Here</span></li><div class="clear s3sliderImage"></div></ul></div></span>
Change the yellow color with your link and your description. If you want add more image SlideShow, just add the code like above (red and yellow color)
2. Setting Headline Posts
Copy and paste these code below for Headline Post widget
<p><div class="image"><a href="YOUR_LINK_HERE"><img src="IMG_LINK_HERE" width="130" height="50" alt="IMG_ALT_HERE" /></a></div></p><h2><a href="YOUR_LINK_HERE">TITLE_POST_HERE</a></h2><p>SHORT DESCRIPTION</p>
3. Setting Banner 125x125px
Go to Design > Edit HTML and find these code below :<div id='banner125'>
For Left Banner, copy and paste this code below<a class='bannerleft' href='YOUR_LINK_HERE'><img alt='IMG_ALT_HERE' border='0' height='125' src='IMG_LINK_HERE' width='125'/></a>
For Right Banner, copy and paste this code below<a class='bannerright' href='YOUR_LINK_HERE'><img alt='IMG_ALT_HERE' border='0' height='125' src='IMG_LINK_HERE' width='125'/></a>
4. Setting Subcribe Post
Go to Deisgn > Edit HTML and find this code below :<div class='subcribe'>
5. Setting Featured Video
Width of video is 300px.
6. Setting Menu
Go to Deisgn > Edit HTML and find these code below :<div class='topmenu'>
and<div class='menu'>
Change #YOUR_LINK_HERE, and EDIT_ME with your link and your title
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